Outdoor Activities / Camps

Activities organised specifically for your groups age, ability and budget, we have a wide range of activity options to choose from, and can run multiple activities at the same time for larger groups

Activity Options

Blindfold rock climbing Camping Mangapurua Trig

Optional Extras

Example Camp Proposal (15 - 20 Group Members)

Day 1MorningArrive 10:30am
Low Ropes Course
AfternoonBush Survival Skills
Day 2MorningRafting
AfternoonClimbing / Abseiling
Day 3MorningHigh Ropes Course
AfternoonPack up and depart by 2pm

Activity Options are adjusted to your groups needs / abilities

More information?

Check out the following brochures for camps we run in conjunction with Captivate Adventures and the Waihoanga Centre

Year 6 to 8 Brochure
Year 9 to 13 Brochure

Or check out a Sample camp programme

To find out more about the flexible programme options on offer, or for advice on programme design and price options, contact the Outdoor Coordinator at Kapiti Skills Centre (04) 902 8224.

Aotea Community Trust Incorporated trading as Kapiti Skills Centre
Registered and Accredited with The New Zealand Qualifications Authority as a Private Training Establishment