Outdoor Recreation - Holiday Programmes

Adventure Based Learning Camp (on demand, usually in school holidays)

This residential course is organised in the school holidays with the aim of getting students (Year 11 - 13) from a variety of schools participating. The course provides students with the opportunity to experience Adventure Based Learning in an outdoor environment. There is a strong focus on personal and social development through participation in outdoor activities.

Students will set and review personal and group goals, challenge themselves, develop self-confidence and a feeling of self worth. This is an ideal course to develop team work.

All participants will have the opportunity to complete three L2 unit standards in Adventure Based Learning for a total of 9 credits. The instructors will be assessing the students throughout the camp, providing feedback and coaching where necessary.

Students will gain some insight into the world of work for those employed as outdoor instructors. They will be introduced to the tertiary pathways that lead to a career in outdoor education, adventure tourism and outdoor recreation.

Ropes Course

THE PROGRAMME is made up from the following:
Problem solving Activities
Communication Activities
Trust Activities
High Ropes Course Activities
Rock Climbing / Abseiling
River swimming

Where students have a career pathway that involves adventure tourism, outdoor recreation and outdoor education leadership/instruction schools can use their Secondary Tertiary Alignment Resource (STAR) to meet some or all of the cost.

For further information contact the Outdoor Coordinator at Kapiti Skills Centre or download the

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Aotea Community Trust Incorporated trading as Kapiti Skills Centre
Registered and Accredited with The New Zealand Qualifications Authority as a Private Training Establishment